trekkingIt on React Redux

For my final project, I have gone back to what I have focused my past projects on, an adventure tracker which I named trekIt. It’s an app for people like me and my partner who are fond of doing outdoor activities. The idea came from a real map that we have in our house where we put a pin on every park that we have been to and explored. It gives us a sense of accomplishment that we can visually see and track these locations and it makes us excited and motivated to have a goal hence the digital map on this app so we can carry it wherever we go.

Juggling JavaScript

For my JavaScript SPA Project, I have an app called 飲む(nomu) . It is an app for cocktail lovers where the user can input their favorite cocktails, even their experimental cocktail mixes. As challenging as this project can be, I have learned so much about JavaScript and added some new Rails knowledge. I realized that there is still a lot more to learn.

Trekking it on Rails

TrekIt is an app that I made for my Ruby on Rails project. This app is used to track outdoor activities the user has been doing. I have started out as having really big plans and design for this project (which I will still continue to do) but then reality hit me that there was a time limit and big possibilities of debugging many errors. That seems to be the life of a programmer so I settled with the MVP (“Minimum Viable Product”) first and then plan on expanding it in the future.

ActiveRecord is a Very Active Gem

Activating ActiveRecord is as easy as typing in gem install activerecord or simply just adding it in your Gemfile and running bundle. Then you have to make the connection between Active Record and your database.

Keep Exploring

This is my personal take as I reflect on my very first technical project.